Essential SEO Tips and Tricks For 2020 (And Beyond)

There are no hard and fast rules that help in building an effective SEO strategy. With constantly evolving Google algorithms and its search system, SEO experts need to update their SEO techniques and tricks to help their website achieve and secure their top positions in the search results. To help you stay ahead in the curve, this article outlines some of the essential SEO Tips and Tricks for 2020 and beyond.

SEO strategies do not come with a set of predefined rules that will guarantee the top position of your website in Google’s search results. When doing SEO, you must know how to play with the tricks and techniques to land your website on the first page of Google.The success of an SEO strategy depends on several factors including

  • Time – SEO is a long-term process and so it requires a lot of patience. You need to implement a well-designed, proven and practical SEO strategy and put in your best for a gestation period to achieve long-term benefits.
  • Content Quality – Your website’s success also depends on the quality of your content. If your website contains informative and well-organized content, it is likely to gain the trust of your prospect audience, which will eventually build the authority of your website and boost its ranking.
  • UI and UX– A website with a captivating user interface and user experience is likely to get more hits than an ordinary-looking website.

With the rapidly evolving technologies and Google’s algorithms, you need to keep up with the new methods that are used to evaluate your websites and determine to rank. Adopting the following SEO tips and tricks can help you boost your online ranking in 2020 and beyond.

SEO Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Ranking in 2020 (And Beyond)

  1. Optimize Your Featured Snippet (Position Zero)

A Featured snippet, also referred to as “Position Zero” or “Answer Box” is a piece of information that tends to answer the question precisely and is usually displayed on the top of Google’s search results. Featured snippets are useful for providing better search experience to the users and give the consumers brief and additional information about a product or content they’ve searched for. Studies reveal that around 54% of clicks arise from Google SERPs, and so it is important that you take this seriously and make your snippet more attractive. As rich snippets generate more clicks to a website, you need to ensure that your snippet answers to the searched questions appropriately. Google evaluates and determines the ranking of your snippet depending on its quality, markup, and context.

  1. Secure Your Website

Website security is one of the major factors that affect your online traffic and ranking. If your potential customers see the “Not Secure” sign right on the top of your website, they are likely to abandon your website quickly which will eventually lead to higher bounce rates. Therefore, it is mandatory to enable the HTTPS protocol to your website that uses data-encryption technologies to ensure the security and authenticity of your website. Moreover, having your website secured with HTTPS will slightly boost your online ranking.

  1. Improve UI and UX

User interface and user experience are the prime factors that contribute to a successful SEO strategy.No matter how informative your web content is, if your website has slow performance, poor user interface, and structure, your prospect users will tend to leave your website quickly. Make sure you improve your website performance by optimizing its speed and focusing on user experience. Put yourself into your consumer’s shoes to understand their intent and what they’re looking for. Also, avoid using ornamental phrases or jargon as this will only cause confusion and higher bounce rates.

  1. PublishHigh-quality Content

Having a well-researched, organized and useful content on your website is crucial for your online ranking. Users want content that is fresh, informative and timely. Therefore, make sure your content is informative, well-structured, readable and easy to navigate through. Answering the commonly asked questions through storytelling is a creative way to convey your message to your users and develop a personal relationship with them. also, make sure you choose your keywords wisely and optimize your content with thosetargeted keywords.

  1. Optimize Your Website for Mobile and Voice Searches

With the inception of smartphones and intelligent virtual assistants, it is necessary to have a mobile version of your website. Optimizing your website for mobile and voice searches is a great way to double up your organic search traffic.Make sure you create a rich snippet on SERP as it will require less scrolling and is likely to get more clicks on voice searches done on mobile devices.

  1. Content Analysis and Optimization

Content is the backbone of your SEO strategy. A fully optimized content is likely to be visible to your potential consumers who are looking for similar content. make sure you review your content marketing strategy and optimize your content, meta titles, meta descriptions and snippet with the targeted keywords. When it comes to high-quality content, content length matters. An average content length should be minimum 2000-2500 words. Make sure your content has good length and is well-organized by using proper heading and sub-headings. Also, interlinking your content with other pages of your web site also makes your content in-depth. Plus linking your content to other credible sources or websites with high domain authority is a great way to establish authority of your website, generate more traffic and increase your online ranking.

  1. Establish Your Brand Authority

Creating brand awareness and establishing brand authority are crucial for any business. With a strong brand, you can easily gain and retain your prospective users as they’re likely to interact with your business and content. This will eventually accelerate your conversion rates and boost your revenue. Here are some of the ways by which you can establish your brand authority

  • Publish relevant, authoritative on-site content to make your website a credible digital source.
  • Use guest blogging to share your expertise and opinions on the trending news and updates on other authoritative websites.
  • Expand your presence on social media platforms to get access to a wider audience and connect with them directly.
  • Highlight your best customer testimonials on your website
  • Ensure your business information is current, accurate and complete.
  • Claim the authority of your brand entities.

Wrapping Up

As SEO tricks and techniques are constantly getting better over time, implementing these essential SEO tips and tricks for 2020 and beyond can help you maximize your outcomes anddrive high traffic to your website. Make sure your SEO strategy caters to all the new search engine requirementsso you can make the most out of your website. Always remember that your audience is your priority and so you should make them happy by providing them with high-quality, interactive and useful content that answers all their problems and questions. Above all, select your keywords wisely and use them in your web content abundantly but contextually.