Know the World of Astrology with the Experts

The zodiac signs appear in a consistent order in every horoscope: from Aries to Pisces. In the sign of Scorpio, the primal image of death is contained, in the sign of Aries – the primal experience of coming into the world. Aries is a sign of spring, and it is in spring that all nature is reborn anew (at least in the Northern Hemisphere).

Among the many disciplines of occultism, there is one that is particularly interested in the influence that cyclical phenomena in space have on earthly affairs. It’s astrology. Its purpose is to predict the future based on the assumed impact of celestial phenomena on the lives of people and nations – for example, it assigns the twelve signs of the zodiac certain properties that interact with the properties of the Sun, Moon, and five planets are known to antiquity: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

The following are distinguished in astrology:

  • world astrology- calculates the influence of astral bodies on the Earth as a planet;
  • political – investigates and foretells the fate of states and nations; meteorological – predict atmospheric changes; medical – used to make diagnoses and prognoses important for human health and treatment mainly with light;
  • herbal – describes the influence of the Cosmos on the healing properties of herbs; magical – as an element of parapsychological research and experiments, e.g. related to clairvoyance;
  • physical and alchemical – studies the magnetic-electric forces of light rays, as well as the colors of celestial bodies; agricultural – examines the most appropriate time for certain farming activities.

The system of planets, celestial bodies, and phenomena in the sky has aroused great emotions for thousands of years. It is they who have an impact on our well-being, fate, perception of the world, and events on earth. The science of this is much older than any religion. Its origins can be traced back eight thousand years. Each epoch has a fascination with the knowledge that helped them predict the future.

Astrologers and Vastu Shastra in Ludhiana differed only in one thing – the name. Later, the astrologer became something like a seer. People were coming to him, and he was able to predict the future from the system of planets, date, and place of birth, or phenomena in the sky. He gave directions and signposts. It was an extremely respected profession, but also… dangerous. It happened many times that for bad omens… people were killed. The astrologer was trusted more and more. His profession developed to such an extent that he was considered “royal”.

The farther into the forest, the more and more often astrology turned out to be a complex and extensive system of knowledge. The cult of stars and planets was born. It was believed that this is where demons and deities reside. At the very beginning, astrology was primarily used to predict the weather. It was only later that people noticed that much more could be read from the planetary system. Heaven gave answers to many bothering questions, and the profession of astrologer in Ludhiana Punjab became one of the best-paid jobs.