Kickstart Your Fitness Journey: Enhance Your Mundane Life

Fitness Journey

With continuously piling up projects in your job, and increasing peer pressure as well as output pressure, it is impossible to stay happy and lead a healthy and peaceful life. Corporate life has overtaken our simple well being. We sit in front of screens, staring for hours and hours, typing, and scrolling tirelessly, adding up to our inactivity. This costing each one of us our sanity, health and well being. We start our morning with checking emails and end our nights with forwarding the project report to our corporate heads. This toxicity of the internet is digging the graves of our happy mundane lives. We are so busy running the rat race, that we blatantly ignore the bigger picture. Let us work towards the betterment of our life all around. The following are some steps that we will follow together to attain the ultimate success – a healthy and happy life.

  • Get a full night’s sleep

According to the research article produced combinedly by 17 institutes of America which specializes in researching sleep patterns, a healthy adult needs at least 7 hours of sleep per night. And here, we corporate puppets are living on a mere 4 or 5 hours of sleep per night. This is seriously an alarming situation for us. If we do not get a full night’s sleep of about 7 hours, we are inviting severe diseases and depression our way. You should get enough sleep and reduce your on-screen time at night. What’s the use of working so hard, at late hours and piling up money, if you have to use it only in your medical bills. Instead, you should take up a job that you love and focus to strike a work-life balance.

  • Wake up to detox

Though it is strongly advised to drink detox water, made with cucumber and lemon soaked in water overnight, the ancient Indian Ayurveda states some other thing. According to Ayurveda, the best detox for your body is inside your body only. The ancient texts suggest that the saliva or the morning drool in our mouth is the best detox for us. So as soon as you get up, you should drink two to three glasses of water to take that saliva from your mouth to your stomach. Do this for at least three to four months and see the wonders it works for you, you will be amazed.

  • Exercise daily

Exercise doesn’t necessarily mean hardcore gym training and a strenuous diet. It simply means that you should move your body around for at least half an hour. You should join a Yoga session, a dance class, or you should simply jog for an hour. This will kickstart your bodily functions well in the morning and will keep you super active throughout the day. An hour of fitness regime will keep all diseases at bay for you and will keep you ready for any challenges headed your way.

  • Eat leafy veggies

Apart from exercising and moving our body around, we should also focus on eating healthy. As we continually choke our intestines with junk food, we should include one leafy vegetable in our diet daily. Leafy vegetables have much-needed vitamins and roughages that are essential for normal dietary functions. Having leafy vegetables undoes the damage done by our toxic screens to our eyes. As most green vegetables are a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C, they are very good for our eyes. Also, some dark green leafy veggies such as spinach have a high amount of iron which has been proven helpful in increasing hemoglobin levels.

  • Boycott white sugar

You might be aware of this one, if you are not, then here’s a chance for you to come abreast with the hazardous effects of powdered sugar. Sugar directly increases our blood glucose levels by manifolds and increase the risk of the failed pancreas. This can be avoided just by avoiding sugar or replacing sugar with jaggery which is as sweet as sugar and even tastier than jaggery. Jaggery is a much healthier option. And to your surprise, jaggery is advisable for diabetic patients too. Now you won’t hurt your sweet tooth, enjoy.

  • Say no to readymade

Eating unhealthy and packaged food cause problem in the gastronomic track and keeps us uneasy after having meals. Instead, introduce yourself with organic food and see the wonders yourself. Do you want to eat pasta? Ignore the packaged one, and make it yourself. You will observe an upgrade in taste, quality as well as quantity. In the endgame, ignore canned and packaged food items.

  • Have green tea

Green tea is a natural antioxidant and you should have it in the morning instead of your usual coffee. This keeps your metabolism on and keeps you fresh all day long. It also flushes out any toxic things in your system. Sip on this wonderful drink for at least two times a day to see the actual benefits.

Now that you have successfully learned about the meritorious points of improving your mundane life, use them to change your life and make yourself happy.

About the Author

Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is a digital nomad and founder of Todays Past. She travels the world while freelancing & blogging. She has over 5 years of experience in the field with multiple awards. She enjoys pie, as should all right-thinking people.